MO Nails - Awarded - 'Best Vegan Nail-Care Brand 2020'
Posted by Marlene Orros on 6th Jan 2021
MO Nails - Awarded - 'Best Vegan Nail-Care Brand 2020'
I am honored to share with you an award of a 'Lifetime' -
received during a global Pandemic -
MO Nails International has been nominated - by Global Health Pharma 'BEST VEGAN NAIL-CARE BRAND 2020'
I am a firm believer that when it comes to handing out recognition & awards there are few in the world more deserving than those who's tireless work and dedication change the lives of millions of people each and every day
This award recognizes all levels and all aspects of the Healthcare & Pharmaceutical sector, without whom many changing innovations & developments we see on an almost daily basis would simply not be possible
Working with Global Health & Pharma's staff was a pleasure - thank-you for this prestigious award and the acknowledgement of my effort to make a difference in ECO Nail Care
To my Professional clients, this award is 'ours'
You will pass this 'standard of excellence' to your clients with pride
Marlene Orros interview press release link below: